Peer-Reviewed publications:

  1. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., García-Franco, J.G., Díaz Castelazo, C. and Janczur, M.K. (2023). Plant sex changes the outcome of ant-plant interactions in a facultative myrmecophytic cactus. Functional Ecology, 00, 1– 13. LINK HERE
  2. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Lugo-García, B. R., Mendoza-Mendoza, A. D., and Janczur M. K. (2021) Females restrict the position of domatia and suffer more herbivory than hermaphrodites in Myriocarpa longipes, a Neotropical myrmecophyte. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 1-7. LINK HERE
  3. Janczur, M.K., González-Camarena, E., Leon-Solano H.J,Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Bartosz J.(2021). Impact of the female and hermaphrodite forms of Opuntia robusta on the plant defence hypothesis. Scientific reports 11, 12063. LINK HERE
  4. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Flórez-Gómez, N. A., Reyes-Tovar, J. M., Pérez-Botello, A. M., Hinojosa-Díaz, I. A., Ayala, R. (2020). Effects of floral display and abiotic environment on the foraging activity of bees on Kallstroemia pubescens (Zygophyllaceae). Ethology Ecology Evolution 32(6), 551-571. LINK HERE
  5. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Zavaleta-Mancera, H. A., León-Solano, H., Solache-Ramos, L., Jenner, B., MoralesRodríguez, S., Patrón-Soberano, A. and Janczur M. (2018). First description of extrafloral nectaries in Opuntia robusta(Cactaceae): anatomy and ultrastructure. PLOS ONE 13(7). LINK HERE

Non-peer-reviewed publications:

  1. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Morales-Rodríguez, S., and Janczur M. K. (2023) Morphological and anatomical characterization of extrafloral nectaries of Opuntia streptacantha and Ferocactus recurvus (Cactaceae). EcoEvoRxiv. LINK HERE
  2. Sandoval-Molina, M.A.(2021) tlamatini: Funciones utiles para biologxs y ecologxs confundidos con los modelos lineales. R package version 0.5. LINK HERE
  3. León-Solano,H.J., Janczur,M.K., González-Camarena, E., Czarnoleski, M., Jenner, B., Sandoval-Molina, M.A. (2021). Resource Allocation Among Cladodes of Opuntia robusta From East-central Mexico. Research Square. LINK HERE

Publications in process:

  1. Martínez-Estrella, D; Mariezcurena-Berasain M.D, Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Janczur M. K. Implications of the existence of different sexual forms on the interaction with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a dioecious population of Opuntia robusta Wendl. (Cactaceae). Scientific Reports. [In preparation]
  2. Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Gracía-Franco, J. G., Díaz-Castelazo, C., and Janczur M. K. Effects of ant aggressive behavior and foraging activity patterns on herbivory of young tissues with extrafloral nectaries of Opuntia robusta. [In preparation]
  3. Rosas-Sánchez J., Janczur, M. K., Nowakowski, J. K., Lugo-García B., Bata-Benítez R., Flores-Dimas, C.A., Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Carbajal, A. Are morphological traits of individuals of Junco phaeonotus associated with habitat disturbance and casually associated with infection by Coccidia? [In preparation]
  4. Mendoza-Mendoza, A.D., Lugo-García, B., García-Conejo, M., Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Nowakowski, J., Janczur, M. K. Is birds’ migratory route length associated to Coccidia prevalence? [In preparation]
  5. Macotela, L., Sandoval-Molina, M.A., Venebra-Muñoz, A., Anaya, M., González-Morales, J.C., Daniel E. Naya and Manjarrez, J. Histomorphological changes due to altitude in a high-altitude lizard (Sceloporus grammicus) from three mountain systems. [In preparation]

Resumen de artículos en español

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